
Our Story

Recently, while downsizing and putting their important documents together, Souvana team members came across old family photos and discovered that they did not know many people in them. Talking to their brothers and sisters, they all realized that there were many holes in the family history story, even when they combined all their notes. They all agreed that they wish that they had listened more attentively when older family members were telling stories, but they were young at the time, and had other things on their minds.

Now they were interested, but all the sources were gone. They had also forgotten many stories and events. When they spoke to friends about this the consensus was that everyone wished that they could now sit down and talk to their parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles and fill in all the gaps, ask all the important questions. They had so many regrets of all the opportunities missed. At the same time, with an increasing interest in genealogy, many younger family members are exploring their ancestry and even requesting their DNA analysis.

We thought that there must be a way to provide some kind of service so that other families would be able to know and preserve their unique and personal family history.

Souvana was born!